AKWise Courses
These IBS self-care programs were carefully created by Anna-Kaisa Manolova, RD, and built into a course format for easier learning. Choose IBSwise for a comprehensive resource on all aspects of IBS and how to manage it. Enroll into Finding Calm if you simply need ways to calm your gut-brain interaction without a need for diet and other lifestyle changes. Get the Diet Checkup if you would like to have your diet analyzed by an IBS dietitian and gut health specialist. NEW: Learn to Meditate course – harness meditation’s stress relieving and gut calming effects, and reduce your sensitivity to stress in the process.
For fully individualized wellness guidance, visit akwise.co to learn more.
Receive personalized care from Anna-Kaisa!
If you are looking for fully individualized approach to IBS care and stress release, rather than self-study/self-care programs, one-on-one programs are available.