from a different kind of ibs dietitian

AKWise Courses

These IBS self-care programs were carefully created by Anna-Kaisa Manolova, RD, and built into a course format for easier learning. Choose IBSwise for a comprehensive resource on all aspects of IBS and how to manage it. Enroll into Finding Calm if you simply need ways to calm your gut-brain interaction without a need for diet and other lifestyle changes. Get the Diet Checkup if you would like to have your diet analyzed by an IBS dietitian and gut health specialist. NEW: Learn to Meditate course – harness meditation’s stress relieving and gut calming effects, and reduce your sensitivity to stress in the process.

Receive personalized care from Anna-Kaisa!

If you are looking for fully individualized approach to IBS care and stress release, rather than self-study/self-care programs, one-on-one programs are available.