AKWise Courses by Anna-Kaisa Manolova, RD
Improve Your Gut Health and Find IBS Freedom
IBS self-care methods curated by an IBS dietitian – without the restrictive low FODMAP diet! Gain control over your IBS symptoms, so that you can get back to living your life your way.
Eat right for your digestion
We all eat every day, multiple times (hopefully), and everything you eat is what your body is made up of also. So it really matters what and how you eat! Discover how to eat to nourish your body right and tame your IBS digestive issues in the process.
Peace of mind for a calm gut
Your brain and your digestive system are in a constant communication with each other. To have a well functioning digestion requires that this gut-brain communication is working in harmony. Discover methods to find peace of mind for a calm gut in my courses!
Right movement
Scientific research shows that yoga can help ease irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms, even as effectively as the low FODMAP diet. My IBSwise and Finding Calm courses include a handful of yoga videos to get you started with digestion specific yoga.

The Right Information and Tools Change Everything in IBS Self Care
It’s exhausting searching for information online – especially when it’s hard to know who to trust and how to apply all the information you’ve found into your unique situation. Even if you find the right information, you still have to go somewhere else, either in person, or online, to try it out for yourself! IBSwise and my other courses make an exception. They provide all the information AND tools about IBS that you need, all in one place. Find out what the best diet for IBS is, how stress affects your symptoms, and what IBS therapies to go for.
Why my online programs?

What course participants are saying
My Specialties
I am a Registered Dietitian (RD), Registered Yoga Teacher and a Certified Meditation Teacher

IBS and Gut Health
It has been said that health begins in the gut. IBS symptoms are just the tip of the ice berg! I created IBSwise through painstaking research so that you can have a go-to place where you can find everything you need to know about boosting your gut health and easing your IBS symptoms – not forgetting the toolkit that helps you put all the advice into action!

Stress Management
Stress is a modern pandemic. Nutrition, as well as stress release and mindset practices work together to calm your mind and your body, and are the tools for becoming more resistant to stress and its negative health impacts. Stress hugely affects also your gut health – this is why I created the Finding Calm program, and made stress management such a large part of the IBSwise program also.

Yoga and Meditation
To feel well is not just a matter of what you eat and how much you move. What matters also is how you move your body, and how you take care of your mind. To me, from personal experience, true wellness is not possible without regular practices to calm our minds and our bodies. Coming soon: Learn to Meditate course – become wait listed and receive a special discount of 20% off.